Copywriters – 10 reasons why to use one

PERSPECTIVE  1.)  Copywriters don’t make the most common, fatal mistake ALL of us see our business from our own perspective. So, when writing promotional material it isn’t easy to jump out of that mindset and into our customers’ viewpoint – which is of course what business need to do when writing brochures, website text, newsletters, etc. 2.)  Copywriters ask the key questions To write about a business, copywriters have to ask...

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Colons and semi-colons – Know the difference

If you are unsure about when to use colons and semi-colons, you are not alone.  In fact, getting colons and semi-colons muddled is one of the commonest mistakes I encounter when editing books.   Yes, the two are similar – both occur midway through a sentence – but they should be used in very different places. Here are my simple rules to guide you… Colons main useage – Where you want to explain or give an example of something you have just...

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Commas – A really simple guide

ARE YOU unsure of your commas? Would you like a simple, plain-speaking and practical guide? You are in the right place.   Many people argue with work colleagues about the correct position of commas, and whether or not there should be one at all.  People have different views.  In fact, research suggests that 30 per cent of comma usage is writer’s choice.* So, your decisions may be neither right, nor wrong – just yours. Oscar...

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