Why blog – Why bother blogging?

You might well ask. Well, here are 3 reasons to consider – for those in doubt. Hobby bloggers get a lot of satisfaction. Political bloggers can have huge influence. And professionals and entrepreneurs cite 3 benefits: recognition, new clients and increased income. That data – and more of it – can be found in The State of the Blogosphere, a survey conducted by Technorati in 2011, but not apparently repeated since.   Convinced? There are...

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Writing good web content – Top 10 tips

During the last 18 months I have reviewed around 100 websites for companies across the UK (as part of around 20 training courses I have run in ‘Writing for the Web’ for 4 different clients).  I say it myself but this makes me well placed to know what makes good web content, and to share with you some top tips. Elsewhere I have written on How to improve your website’s homepage. In the meantime, here are my ‘Top 10 Tips’ for...

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Writing web content & SEO – ‘How readers differ’

Tips and Techniques for writing web content and writing SEO text, and how it differs from writing for print… below I share some ideas, spelt out as the Six C’s: I have also written other web writing blogs on these topics: how to write a good homepage, web writing secrets 10 top tips of good web content – based on several years’ reviewing where websites go Right … and Wrong. 1. Curiosity Web users are driven by...

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